Joint mobilization projects will be supported within the scope of collaboration between the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation of Colombia (MINCIENCIAS).
The call is for applications in the following scientific and technological areas:
Biotechnology, bioeconomy and environment
Basic and Space Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Social Sciences, Human Development and Equity
Sustainable energy
Creative and cultural industries
Oceans and Hydrobiological Resources
Converging technologies and Industry 4.0
Application Deadline: 17 May 2021, 17:30 (Turkish Time) – For MINCIENCIAS 14 May 2021, 16:00 (Bogota Time)
E-signature Deadline for Turkish Research Groups: 21 May 2021, 17:30
A maximum of 150.000 TL will be provided by TUBITAK for the research teams in Turkey during the whole project period. The duration of projects is 24 months at maximum.
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